Modular Nuclear Reactors —Gene Editing for Everyone — China’s Hyperloop

And other news in Tech This Week

Nabil Alouani
5 min readJan 29, 2023

I’m late this week because I had a professional trip and a few personal issues. It reminded me of a French proverb that says: “A problem never shows up alone.”

In this issue of Tech This Week, we’ll talk less about Artificial Intelligence and more about what’s going elsewhere.

You’ll also find a curated list of interesting headlines.

The US certifies a Small Modular Reactor (SMR)

SMRs are the IKEA version of nuclear reactors: they’re cheaper and can be assembled with relative ease. After all, they are:

  • Small — occupy a fraction of the space needed for conventional nuclear power reactors.
  • Modular — can be factory-assembled and transported as a unit to a location for installation. You can also stack them to scale your energy production.
  • Reactors — harness nuclear fission to generate heat that later converts into electricity.

“SMRs are no longer an abstract concept,” Assistant Secretary for Nuclear Energy Kathryn Huff said in a press release. “They are real, and they are ready for deployment […] and we are just getting started here in the…



Nabil Alouani

I drink coffee and write prompts || 100% human-generated content || Weekly mails: